11월 9일 월요일 전달사항 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
수석조교2015-11-09 | 페이스북 트위터 구글플러스 이메일 프린트 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11월 9일 월요일 전달사항(点名事项)(roll call)
中國語(Chinese)*. 生活馆将于11月16日(周一)-18日(周三)进行消毒。
1. 网上人口住宅调查的时间延长至11月15日。 没有做的同学尽快做完。 2. 11月12日 周四为没有剩饭菜的日子。 请大家注意 。 3. 节约饭菜的活动将在11月 26日截止(每周三,周四实行)。 4. 组装的电脑以及 组装的笔记本(ex : msi, 아수스 등) 在使用完之后 记着拔掉网线。(※ 否则会使其它电脑网速变慢,敬请谅解。) 5. 希望大家每天关注每层的公告栏以及网上的点名事项. 6. 庆祝活动管理委员会的活动将在11月11日(周三)-12日(周四)两天时间的中午和晚饭时间举行各种活动。 希望大家积极参加。 7. 11月11日(周三) 13:00 ~ 17:30将有禁烟运动,11月12日(周四) 09:30 ~ 16:30 将有献血的活动,希望大家积极参加。
English*. It will be carried out disinfection on November 16th(Mon)-18th(Wed).
1. Population and Housing Census web site peroid until November 15th. 2. You do not be leftovers on November 14th(Thu). 3. Save food event will finish on November 26th(every Wed and Thu). 4. If you use the computer which is prefabricated desktop PC, laptop, prefabricated(ex : msi, Asus) and when you turn off your computer please unplug your internet connection. (※Internet connection has become a major cause of the error. We ask prevents damage to other residents.) 5. You must confirm the roll call in website everyday.
6. There is a event on 11th(WED)-12th(THU) in front of restaruant. Participation please. 7. There is a smoking campaign from 13:00 to 17:30 on 11th(WED), and there is a blood donation campaign from 09:30 to 16:30. Participation please.