11월 30일 월요일 전달사항 | |
수석조교2015-11-30 | 페이스북 트위터 구글플러스 이메일 프린트 |
11월 30일 월요일 전달사항(点名事项)(roll call)
中國語(Chinese)1. 12月1日(周二)将进行外国人退舍OT。希望大家一定参加。 时间请参考每层的公告栏。 2. 请大家锁好门,谨防盗窃。 3. 节约企划组活动的优惠券,请于11月30日(周一)-12月3日(周四)的点名时间交给曾长或助教。 4. 2016学年第一学期的舍生长投票将在12月2日点名结束后进行。 5. 组装的电脑以及 组装的笔记本(ex : msi, 아수스 등) 在使用完之后 记着拔掉网线。(※ 否则会使其它电脑网速变慢,敬请谅解。) 6. 希望大家每天关注每层的公告栏以及网上的点名事项
English1. There will have foreigner OT on 1th, December. Please refer to the bulletin board for each layer. 2. Please lock the door to guard against theft. 3. If you have coupon for strategy you can submit it to your floor leader from November 30th to December 3th. 4. 2016year 1term dormitory leader election will be have on 2th(Wed) December. 5. If you use the computer which is prefabricated desktop PC, laptop, prefabricated(ex : msi, Asus) and when you turn off your computer please unplug your internet connection. (※Internet connection has become a major cause of the error. We ask prevents damage to other residents.) 6. You must confirm the roll call in website everyday.